Revere Community C.A.R.E.

About Our Cause
Revere Community C.A.R.E. promotes a safe environment in our schools and community by sponsoring various programs and activities which address potential at-risk behaviors of our youth and encourage positive self-esteem, healthy life choices, and non-violence. C.A.R.E. helps support PANDA and Teen Institute, provides a $500 scholarship each year to a drug and alcohol free RHS senior as well as contributes $500 to the Revere Senior After Prom Party. ...
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Amount Raised
Financial Goal
About Organization
Group Name Revere Community C.A.R.E.
Chairpersons Name Karen Smik
  1. Fruit Punch Potluck Box
    Fruit Punch Potluck Box
    (up to $24 Donated To Cause)
  2. Tutti Frutti Potluck Box
    Tutti Frutti Potluck Box
    (up to $12 Donated To Cause)
  3. Citrus Zest Potluck Box
    Citrus Zest Potluck Box
    (up to $16 Donated To Cause)
  4. Cotton Candy Potluck Box
    Cotton Candy Potluck Box
    (up to $26 Donated To Cause)
  5. Guava Glow Potluck Box
    Guava Glow Potluck Box
    (up to $23 Donated To Cause)
  6. HollandPride
    Holland Pride
    (up to $12 Donated To Cause)
  7. ReallyReallyRed
    Really, Really Red Collection
    (up to $11.5 Donated To Cause)
  8. MagicMoon
    Magic Moon Garden
    (up to $12.5 Donated To Cause)
  9. All Seasons Garden Collection
    All Seasons Garden Collection
    (up to $15 Donated To Cause)
  10. Summer of Color
    Summer of Color
    (up to $14 Donated To Cause)
  11. MixedConeflower
    3 Mixed Coneflowers
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  12. 1 Blue Boy Phlox
    1 Blue Boy Phlox
    (up to $5 Donated To Cause)
  13. PinkFairyLilies
    25 Pink Fairy Lilies
    (up to $8 Donated To Cause)
  14. 1 Millenium Allium
    1 Millenium Allium
    (up to $8 Donated To Cause)
  15. BlueGlobeThistle
    5 Blue Globe Thistle
    (up to $8 Donated To Cause)
  16. 5 Hybrid Calla Lilies-Mixed
    5 Hybrid Calla Lilies-Mixed
    (up to $17 Donated To Cause)
  17. BleedingHearts
    1 Bleeding Hearts
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  18. MixedGladiolus
    25 Mixed Gladiolus
    (up to $10 Donated To Cause)
  19. LilyOfTheValley
    3 Lily of the Valley
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  20. 1 Turkenlouis Oriental Poppy
    1 Turkenlouis Oriental Poppy
    (up to $5 Donated To Cause)
  21. IronCrossOxalis
    50 Good Luck Plant
    (up to $6.5 Donated To Cause)
  22. 1 May Night Salvia
    1 May Night Salvia
    (up to $5 Donated To Cause)
  23. LilacTimeDahlias
    3 Lilac Time Dahlias
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  24. 1 Red Hot Poker Torch Lily
    1 Red Hot Poker Torch Lily
    (up to $4 Donated To Cause)
  25. MrFokker
    15 Anemone Mr. Fokker
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  26. 1 Becky Shasta Daisy
    1 Becky Shasta Daisy
    (up to $4 Donated To Cause)
  27. AnenomeBlanda
    15 Anemone Blanda Mix
    (up to $5 Donated To Cause)
  28. BambinoMixGladiolus
    10 Mixed Hardy Dwarf Gladiolus
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  29. HarlequinFlowers
    40 Harlequin Flowers
    (up to $6.5 Donated To Cause)
  30. PersianButtercups
    10 Ranunculus Mixture
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  31. 3 Mixed Columbine
    3 Mixed Columbine
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  32. MixedAstilbe
    3 Mixed Astilbe
    (up to $8 Donated To Cause)
  33. 3 Peony Mix
    3 Peony Mix
    (up to $15 Donated To Cause)
  34. HardyBlueGermanium
    3 Blue Hardy Geraniums
    (up to $9 Donated To Cause)
  35. 1 Cupid Culver's Roots
    1 Cupid Culver's Roots
    (up to $8 Donated To Cause)
  36. 1 White Phlox
    1 White Phlox
    (up to $5 Donated To Cause)
  37. BlueAgapanthus
    2 Agapanthus Blue
    (up to $9 Donated To Cause)
  38. PeacockOrchids
    8 Peacock Orchids
    (up to $3 Donated To Cause)
  39. StargazerLilies
    3 Stargazer Lilies
    (up to $6.5 Donated To Cause)
  40. MixedDoubleFreesia
    20 Double Freesia
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  41. GiantTreeLilies
    3 Giant Tree Lilies
    (up to $8 Donated To Cause)
  42. 1 Raspberry Queen Poppy
    1 Raspberry Queen Poppy
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  43. Elephant Ear
    Elephant Ear
    (up to $9 Donated To Cause)
  44. MixedHostas
    3 Mixed Hosta
    (up to $8 Donated To Cause)
  45. DeliciousStrawberries
    15 Delicious Strawberries
    (up to $11 Donated To Cause)
  46. Rainbow Dwarf Zinnia Seed Mat
    Rainbow Dwarf Zinnia Seed Mat
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  47. Cut Flower Bouquet Seed Mat
    Cut Flower Bouquet Seed Mat
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  48. Hummingbird Haven Seed Mat
    Hummingbird Haven Seed Mat
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  49. HummingbirdVerticalGarden
    Hummingbird Vertical Garden
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  50. ButterflySaddlebagGarden
    Butterfly Saddlebag Garden
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  51. Ground Cover Thyme Seed Mat
    Ground Cover Thyme Seed Mat
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  52. Ground Cover Verbena Seed Mat
    Ground Cover Verbena Seed Mat
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  53. HoneyBeeSeedMat
    Honey Bee Seed Mat
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  54. ButterflyGardenSeedMat
    Butterfly Flower Mat
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  55. SunnyTreeRing
    Sunny Tree Ring
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  56. ShadyTreeRing
    Shady Annual Tree Ring
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  57. SunflowerCollection
    Sunflower Collection
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  58. HummingbirdGardenMix
    Hummingbird Garden Mix
    (up to $5 Donated To Cause)
  59. JuicyTomatoGarden
    Juicy Tomato Garden
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  60. HummingbirdVerticalGarden
    Organic Large Leaf Basil Bag
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  61. PerfectSaladGarden
    Perfect Salad Garden
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  62. HummingbirdVerticalGarden
    Cherry Tomato Hanging Kit
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  63. Hot Pepper Seed Pack
    Hot Pepper Seed Pack
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  64. Microgreens Seed Pack
    Microgreens Seed Pack
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  65. Sprout Collection
    Sprout Collection
    (up to $16 Donated To Cause)
  66. Broccoli Sprouts
    Broccoli Sprouts
    (up to $4 Donated To Cause)
  67. Alfalfa Sprouts
    Alfalfa Sprouts
    (up to $4 Donated To Cause)
  68. 25 Peat Pots
    25 Peat Pots
    (up to $3 Donated To Cause)
  69. 25 Soil Pellets
    25 Soil Pellets
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  70. Crazy Creeper Nasturtium Seeds
    Crazy Creeper Nasturtium Seeds
    (up to $3 Donated To Cause)
  71. Sunny Giant Sunflower Seeds
    Sunny Giant Sunflower Seeds
    (up to $3 Donated To Cause)
  72. Egg Head Cress Seeds
    Egg Head Cress Seeds
    (up to $3 Donated To Cause)
  73. Kitchen Tea Kit-Anise Hyssop
    Kitchen Tea Kit-Anise Hyssop
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  74. Kitchen Herb Kit-Dill
    Kitchen Herb Kit-Dill
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  75. Kitchen Tea Kit-Mint
    Kitchen Tea Kit-Mint
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  76. Kitchen Herb Kit-Oregano
    Kitchen Herb Kit-Oregano
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  77. Kitchen Herb Kit-Basil
    Kitchen Herb Kit-Basil
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  78. HealthyHerbGarden
    Healthy Herb Garden
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  79. Kitchen Tea Kit-Thyme
    Kitchen Tea Kit-Thyme
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  80. Kitchen Tea Kit-Lavender
    Kitchen Tea Kit-Lavender
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  81. Kitchen Herb Kit-Chives
    Kitchen Herb Kit-Chives
    (up to $5.5 Donated To Cause)
  82. Kitchen Herb Kit-Barbeque Mix
    Kitchen Herb Kit-Barbeque Mix
    (up to $11 Donated To Cause)
  83. Kitchen Herb Kit-Italian Mix
    Kitchen Herb Kit-Italian Mix
    (up to $11 Donated To Cause)
  84. Kitchen Herb Kit-Salad Mix
    Kitchen Herb Kit-Salad Mix
    (up to $11 Donated To Cause)
  85. Potting Mat
    Potting Mat
    (up to $5 Donated To Cause)
  86. Soil Moist 8 oz.
    Soil Moist 8 oz.
    (up to $6.5 Donated To Cause)
  87. Lambert All Purpose Potting Soil-4 QT
    Lambert All Purpose Potting Soil-4 QT
    (up to $6 Donated To Cause)
  88. Jack's Bloom Booster Fertilizer 10-30-20
    Jack's Bloom Booster Fertilizer 10-30-20
    (up to $9 Donated To Cause)
  89. Bulb Planter
    Bulb Planter
    (up to $8.75 Donated To Cause)
  90. Cap Style Plant Labels-10 pack
    Cap Style Plant Labels-10 pack
    (up to $7.5 Donated To Cause)
  91. Miniature Plant Labels-10 Pack
    Miniature Plant Labels-10 Pack
    (up to $7 Donated To Cause)
  92. Plant Stake-3 Pack
    Plant Stake-3 Pack
    (up to $3.5 Donated To Cause)

Help & FAQ's

What Does Hardy Zone Mean?

Hardy means they should return next year in the zones listed without having to do anything to them. While some items such as Gladiolus are indicated with higher hardiness zones (7-9), these items could also be planted in colder zones, but would need to be dug up in the fall and stored indoors for the winter. So, all Flower Power items will grow virtually anywhere in North America, but they will only return in the zones listed.

How Do I Find My Zone?

Use the color coded map to determine which zone you are located in. If your zone is listed as a "hardiness zone" for any of the products you can rest assured that they will be a perennial in your area. You can enjoy these blooms year after year! If your zone is listed as suitable but not hardy, these products will grow beautifully this summer in your garden, but may not survive the harsh winter.

Are There Planting Instructions?

Once you receive your order, you will be pleased to find that each item you purchased comes with a full color label that provides you with all the information you need to have success in the garden. Each label contains a bar code, the bulb size, plant height, proper spacing, where to plant, plus other features that will assist your customers in growing a beautiful bulb garden!

Read More Help & FAQ's Here »

Zone Finder Map

Find Your Zone
Shipping Policy

Spring Bulb Shipping Schedule: Orders begin shipping April 1st, and we begin with the warmest states first. We will do our best to ship orders as fast as possible.

Fall Bulb Shipping Schedule: Orders begin shipping the very end of September and we begin shipping to the coldest states first. We will do our best to ship orders as fast as possible.

Holiday Bulb Shipping Schedule: We will begin shipping holiday orders mid-November, in the order they are received. All orders placed by December 1st, will arrive in time for gift giving for the holiday season.

Shipping Fees: $6.99 flat shipping fee on any size order.

*Sorry, we currently do not ship to Alaska or Hawaii.

Seller Account Notes

You can shop with absolute confidence when selecting bulbs from Flower Power Fundraising. All our products are 100% guaranteed to grow. If you are at all dissatisfied with your purchase, simply contact us and we will be more than happy to send a replacement to you.

Please contact us during the current growing season that you planted them. If we are past the planting time for your particular item, you will be sent a replacement the following year when it is back in stock.

Please remember to plant your products as soon as you receive them. If you are not able to plant immediately, please store them in a cool dry location. Items not planted within a few weeks may not grow well.

Have questions? Call 1-888-833-1486 and speak to a fundraising expert today!